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Katie Hesson
Spring Valley High School Career & Technical Education
High School Category
High School Category
Grade: 12
Courses: PLTW Pathway to Engineering: IED,POE,CIM,EDD
Courses: PLTW Pathway to Engineering: IED,POE,CIM,EDD


CTE Accomplishments:
PLTW Completer, Quality Control Manager
PLTW Completer, Quality Control Manager

“I was fortunate enough to have Katie in class. This young lady is one of the most organized students that I have had. While in my class she took on leadership roles both within my class as well as on our Robotics Team. She is a problem solver and is constantly finding ways to improve processes. I find her easy to work with and she is respected by her peers.”
James Coble, TEM Coordinator
WVDE Office of Career Technical Education
WVDE Office of Career Technical Education

Katie wishes to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering.
She has plans to attend either Marshall University or Georgia Tech.
She has plans to attend either Marshall University or Georgia Tech.